What do I need to buy for a tarantula?

V jednom z předchozích článků jsem již zmiňoval, že sklípkan není zvíře známé náročností chovu. Přesto je nutné si pořídit základní výbavu, která je pro chov sklípkana nutná, nebo jeho chov výrazně usnadňuje.

Co si tedy koupit dříve než si sklípkana přinesete domů?

Tarantula terratium

The tarantula, of course, needs a place to live. Since it will spend the vast majority of its life in the chosen terrarium, it must be suitable for it. Glass or plexiglass terrariums will serve well, as will plastic storage boxes. It doesn’t matter to the tarantula what it is housed in, as long as the enclosure meets the space requirements, is adequately ventilated, and is not in any way dangerous for the spider. For more information on suitable tarantula housing options, click here: LINK TO BE FILLED.


All tarantulas should have a substrate in their terrarium. Some types of tarantulas use it less (arboreal tarantulas) and some dig a burrow in it, which serves as their hiding place (burrowing tarantulas). In this case, plain soil without any additives is the best option. However, there are other substrate options that you can learn about here: LINK TO BE ADDED.

Water bowl

Tarantulas need to drink water, so it’s a good idea to place a suitable water dish in their enclosure. I recommend using something lightweight to ensure that the dish won’t be dangerous for the tarantula if it accidentally knocks it over or gets trapped underneath it. Personally, I use ordinary plastic cups. Although a water dish is the safest way to provide water, it may not work for all tarantulas. Some tarantulas may constantly bury the dish in substrate, or they may create impenetrable webs over it. In such cases, we can simply mist the enclosure walls and substrate instead. The tarantula can comfortably drink the necessary water from the walls and substrate. INSERT LINK


Tarantulas prefer to feel hidden and secure. Burrowing tarantulas are content with a substrate in which they can dig their own burrow. Arboreal and terrestrial tarantulas, on the other hand, will appreciate a pre-made hiding spot. This can be a piece of cork bark, half of a flowerpot, or similar items. To learn more about what a hiding spot for a tarantula should look like, click here: INSERT LINK.


The tarantula is an exclusive predator, and as a result, it is necessary to feed it live prey, typically other invertebrates. Therefore, it is necessary to either purchase insect food or establish a colony of feed insects. You can find more information on the topic of tarantula feeding here: LINK TO BE ADDED.


A pair of tweezers is not essential for keeping a tarantula, however, as a keeper, you will appreciate having them at your disposal. Properly sized tweezers protect your hand during any manipulation around the tarantula, including removing food leftovers, molting, and feeding. Tweezers ensure that if the tarantula becomes startled and mistakes you for prey, it will not bite your hand with its fangs. The tweezers should be as safe as possible for the tarantula, preferably wooden or metal with rubberized tips. In rare cases, unprotected metal tweezers can damage the tarantula’s fangs, leading to certain death.

Other decorations for the terrarium

Except for tarantulas, which use them as anchor points for webs, other decorations in the terrarium are purely for the owner’s enjoyment. They do not benefit the tarantula and may even detract from its well-being by reducing its living space or safety. Sharp or heavy objects and anything that could be toxic to tarantulas should be avoided. You can read more about terrarium decorations in a separate article. ADD LINK